Movie Review: Revenge of the Sith
I actually saw this movie over a week ago but didn't think it was worth the proverbial ink to write about it. However, I can't figure out why so many people are saying the diologue is awefull and the acting sucks but "man, that movie was awesome!" So here are a few of my thoughts:
Tsk, tsk, tsk George Lucas, Tsk tsk! I have one question about this trilogy of catastrophe -- How can George Lucas assemble a cast like Samuel L. Jackson, Ewen MacGregor, Natalie Portman, Jimmy Smits, and Hayden Christensen and obviously tell them not to act! This movie, just as the last two, runs dialogue reminiscent of a sophomore film school student... One with a D average at that.
Film school 101 should have taught Lucas that cheesy dialogue doesn't work in an action movie of this caliper. Cut the budget down to say $200,000 (like the original movies) and bad dialogue becomes endearing. But in a $50,000,000 blockbuster it comes off really lame.
As for the bad acting, lets break this down:
Tsk, tsk, tsk George Lucas, Tsk tsk! I have one question about this trilogy of catastrophe -- How can George Lucas assemble a cast like Samuel L. Jackson, Ewen MacGregor, Natalie Portman, Jimmy Smits, and Hayden Christensen and obviously tell them not to act! This movie, just as the last two, runs dialogue reminiscent of a sophomore film school student... One with a D average at that.
Film school 101 should have taught Lucas that cheesy dialogue doesn't work in an action movie of this caliper. Cut the budget down to say $200,000 (like the original movies) and bad dialogue becomes endearing. But in a $50,000,000 blockbuster it comes off really lame.
As for the bad acting, lets break this down:
Samuel L. Jackson
Pulp Fiction, Shaft, and The Long Kiss Good Night: Amazing
Natalie Portman
The Professional, and Mars Attacks: Spectacular
Ewen MacGregor
Trainspotting, Big Fish: Superb
Hayden Christensen
The Virgin Suicides and Life as a House: Both really good
Jimmy smits...
well, he was good on NYPD Blue
So the only logical conclusion is that George Lucas might be the worst director in movie history... At least the worst one to consistently break opening weekend sales records.
I'll give the movie this much in credit though:
--Visually it was better than the other two in that the CGI is more advanced (not as cartoonish).
--The story line did a good job tying in the end of this movie with the beginning of the A New Hope.
--It WAS better than the other two... Although we all know that is NOT a compliment.
Now, for what I didn't like:
--They totally punked out on the Wookie planet (ooh, a whole 5 minutes worth)
--As stated earlier, possibly the worst dialogue since Con Air
--Yoda's fight scenes are still stupid
--They got James Earl Jones to return for a total of 6 lines
--Darth Vadar Yelling Noooooooooo
--Can't be siad enough: possibly the worst dialogue since National Treasure.
Sadly, no matter what I or anyone else says, this movie will make 20 gazillion dollars and will be seen by 90% of the wrolds population. I just hope that after reading this your expectations will be lowered. Trust me, if they are you'll enjoy the movie much more.
Oh, one last thing, after you go see Star Wars, go see Hitchhiker's Guide! Now that's a movie.
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