Band Update: Demo & Upcoming Show
Red Shift
Over the past few weeks we've been in the studio working out the kinks of out latest metal project Red Shift. In this time we've ironed out a solid set of music consisting of 6 originals and 2 covers. At this time it's probably best to keep the specifics of the covers under wraps but I will say one thing about each. The first one is a complete remake of a song that I believe most everyone will recognize (by the lyrics, not the music) and the other is a Misfits song. As for the originals, if you're interested I'll list the song titles here:
The Wolf
Galactic SpaceCase
Bastard Child of the Prodigal Son
Sulfur Sail
The Bush Doctrine (tentative title)
Beside the process of writing and rehearsing new material we've also begun recording. A friend of (Guitarist) Keith who is a sound engineer came into our Soundwave studio this weekend and began the process of recording a demo. John was the first outsider to come into our studio and hear what we've been doing for the last 4 months. I'm very happy to say that was excited about what we're doing and he told us that we exceeded his expectations. We plan on doing a bunch more recording over the next few weeks on our upcoming demo tentatively titled Bastard Child of the Prodigal Son. We hope to have this CD for you to check out by the end of March.
Show Update
Red Shift currently has two members of the Bay Area rock band Kills the Pain (Eric "Boo" Bailey & Christian "Rock") who are close friends with the promoters at The Stork Club in Oakland. Last week the powers that be offered us a gig "anytime" we wanted one. After a practice on Saturday we decided that it was time to take them up on their offer. As of now, the details are being worked out for a show in the next few weeks. As soon as it is finalized I'll post it here.
Needless to say, we are very excited to debut a set of hard driving Metal that's going to blow you the fuck away! I have been trying to get a project together with Monty Nelson for a long time; he is a hell of a guitarist. Coupled with Boo & Christian who are the dynamic duo of Bass & drums and slick rhythms of Guitarist Keith Manners I truly believe that we are onto something big. I am finally in a position to dedicate myself to song writing and a vocal style that really suits my ability.
Hope to see ya'll Soon,
Red Shift
Mike - Vocals & Vibraslap
Monty - Lead Guitar
Keith - Rhythm Guitar
Boo - Bass
Christian - Drums
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