The Kackistocrat's Handbook for the Recently Deceased.

My childhood was typical--summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we’d make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds; pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of 14 a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles . There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it’s breathtaking…I suggest you try it -- Dr. Evil

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Location: Richmond, California, United States

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Rizant on Skizools - Gizzogle-ized

Its been a while since Ive ranted on anyth'n that has ta do wit social policy, but this cruisin' I heard sum-m sum-m thizzay really pissed me off. Last N-to-tha-izzight there was a Schoo` Board meet'n in Alameda County ta discuss possible schoo` clos'n. Afta hear'n hours of residizzles pleas ta kizzle they schools open, tha board reluctantly decided ta close 2 elementary schools n a "child develizzles wanna be gangsta The heezee of tha Schoo` Board blamed Governor Drug Deala fo` a $60,000,000 cut in fund'n.

Ya know, no bizzle can claim tizzle tha Governizzle H-to-tha-izzasnt kizzy his promise like a motha fucka. He assured us that our dizzle will be taken care of via loans on tha backs of tha work'n class; n he has , ya feel me?. Whizzay I moved ta California I was pay'n $11.00 a credit fo` community college fo yo bitch ass. Whiznen Arnold tizzle office it jumped ta $18, tizzle $izzle n now $26 per unit. Thizzay means that he raised tha cost of COMMUNITY COLLEGE 150% fo' rizeal. Listen, community college is already geared fo` those who cant afford ta go ta a bootylicious university so how tha fizzy can he justify rais'n tha ciznost ta thugz who already cant afford it?

Oh, but wait, theres mizzy . Im crazy, you can't phase me. While tha cost of schoo` was ris'n, I went on mah merry wizzle not worried too much coz I was chillin' financial aide. So one day `bout a year ago I go in ta complete mah forms fo` tha messin' semesta n tha Financial Aide office tells me that I dizzont qualify anymore . Subscribe nigga, get yo issue.. Diznont qualify? Why? They tell me tizzy I am mak'n too much money ta git financial aide. W-to-tha-izzell, since I am a student work'n part time mah income was a shawty less tizzy $17,000. How could this be too mizzay I asked. "oh," he tells me "izzle governor lowered tha cutoff ta $12,000 from $18,000." I was in awe . Nigga get shut up or get wet up! I was liv'n almost destitute at $17,000 n could only barely git by wit financial aide, now they is tell'n me tizzy I am too rich? W-H-to-tha-izzat tha fuck!!! Could you imagine mak'n $13,000 a year anywhere in tha Bay Area n tha governor tell'n you tizzy you makes too mizzle money ta qualify fo` any aide?

Well, this is anotha example of how tha riznich git baller n tha pizzy is intended ta stay poor. Governor Schwartzenegga has promised thiznat he wizzle raise taxes, n he hizzasnt. Instead he has raised tha cost of community college while cutt'n applicable financial aide mah nizzle. At tha same time he cut fund'n fo` public schools in tha East Bay alone by $60,000,000 , niggaz, better recognize. Chillin' his time in office he has raised many wanna be gangsta fees that affect mostly tha middle n lowa class sho nuff. Fees like pizzle usage, hunt'n, ho-slappin' bridge tolls, dmv registrizzles tha list goes on n on cuz this is how we do it. The thugz who makes tha mizzle money in this state dizzy even notice wizzy a rhymin' license goes frizzay $25 ta $50, but that homey who works 55 hours a wizzle fo` his wizzy n three kids wizzy notice whizzay he is perpetratin' ta go on his one hunt'n T-R-to-tha-izzip this year.

I believe its proposizzles 13 tizzle was written in tha 70s weed-smokin' T-H-to-tha-izzat property taxes in this area cant go up. this too is a fundamizzles flaw in educizzle fund'n thizzat be geared mostly fo` tha rich. when i worked in oregon doing market research i would call california sporadically ta ask `bout schoo` ridin' n shit. probably 5% said they thizzay everyone should pay they fizzy share of property tax . I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. tha otha 95% told me th'n like: mah kids have graduated or i diznont have kizzay why should i pay more property tax fo` schools!

Is this really our society? do thugz really believe tizzy W-H-to-tha-izzen it comes ta schoo` fund'n its "not they problem?" fo` these thugz out there i have a wizzish, just one simple wizzy: i hope thizzat wizzle yoe old enough tizzy you cant takes care of yoself anymore, you end up wittan inept shot calla or at a nurs'n home fizzay of untrained staff dogg. n when you gangsta why yo care is so crappy someone W-to-tha-izzill tizzle you "sorry dude, i wanted an education, but there was no fund'n." i cracka how mizzle of these thugz who dizzay want ta pay would wiznant they children work'n at a taco bizzle fo` tha riznest of they lives and yo momma. fuck'n wakes up.

But i digress cuz Im tha Double O G. mah tizzy point of this riznant comes bizzy ta schools perpetratin' cuz I'm fresh out the pen. i cant believe in 2005 that we not only have a governor, but a president as well who doesnt think education is tizzle important--at least not as important as tha war thizzat 49% of our taxes is now fund'n. texas was 47th out 50 in education while bizzy was governor. no child left behind promotes chillin' children forward even if theyre not ready ("social promotion"), n tha federal G-to-tha-izzovt has cut fund'n ta heezee S-T-to-tha-izzart programs. how can we as a nation, as a society, as a community condone such acts? how can we elect a governor who would do these th'n, or re-elect a president who already has a record of doing so.

Takes a good look in tha mirror america, this is yo shizzie fo-shizzie.

Odd News: C'mon, Really!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Rant on Schools

It's been a while since I've ranted on anything that has to do with social policy, but this morning I heard something that really pissed me off. Last night there was a School Board meeting in Alameda County to discuss possible school closings. After hearing hours of residential pleas to keep their schools open, the board reluctantly decided to close 2 elementary schools and a "child development center." The head of the School Board blamed Governor Schwartzenegger for a $60,000,000 cut in funding.

Ya know, no body can claim that the Governator hasn't kept his promise. He assured us that our debt will be taken care of via loans on the backs of the working class; and he has. When I moved to California I was paying $11.00 a credit for community college. When Arnold took office it jumped to $18, then $21, and now $26 per unit. That means that he raised the cost of COMMUNITY COLLEGE 150%. Listen, community college is already geared for those who can't afford to go to a great university so how the fuck can he justify raising the cost to people who already can't afford it?

Oh, but wait, there's more. While the cost of school was rising, I went on my merry way; not worried too much because I was receiving financial aide. So one day about a year ago I go in to complete my forms for the coming semester and the Financial Aide office tells me that I don't qualify anymore. Don't qualify? Why? They tell me that I am making too much money to get financial aide. Well, since I am a student working part time my income was a little less than $17,000. How could this be too much I asked. "oh," he tells me "the governor lowered the cutoff to $12,000 from $18,000." I was in awe! I was living almost destitute at $17,000 and could only barely get by with financial aide, now they are telling me that I am too rich? What the fuck!!! Could you imagine making $13,000 a year anywhere in the Bay Area and the governor telling you that you make too much money to qualify for any aide?

Well, this is another example of how the rich get richer and the poor are intended to stay poor. Governor Schwartzenegger has promised that he wont raise taxes, and he hasn't. Instead he has raised the cost of community college while cutting applicable financial aide. At the same time he cut funding for public schools in the East Bay alone by $60,000,000. During his time in office he has raised many other fees that affect mostly the middle and lower class. Fees like park usage, hunting, camping, bridge tolls, dmv registration the list goes on and on. The people who make the most money in this state don't even notice when a hunting license goes from $25 to $50, but that guy who works 55 hours a week for his wife and three kids will notice when he is trying to go on his one hunting trip this year.

I believe it's proposition 13 that was written in the 70's stating that property taxes in this area can't go up. This too is a fundamental flaw in educational funding that is geared mostly for the rich. When I worked in Oregon doing market research I would call California sporadically to ask about school funding. Probably 5% said they think everyone should pay their fair share of property tax. The other 95% told me things like: My kids have graduated or I don't have kids, why should I pay more property tax for schools!

Is this really our society? Do people really believe that when it comes to school funding it's "not their problem?" For these people out there I have a wish, just one simple wish: I hope that when you're old enough that you can't take care of yourself anymore, you end up with an inept caretaker, or at a nursing home full of untrained staff. And when you wonder why your care is so crappy someone will tell you "Sorry dude, I wanted an education, but there was no funding." I wonder how many of these people who don't want to pay would want their children working at a Taco Bell for the rest of their lives. Fucking wake up.

But I digress. My true point of this rant comes back to schools closing. I can't believe in 2005 that we not only have a Governor, but a President as well who doesn't think education is that important--at least not as important as the war that 49% of our taxes are now funding. Texas was 47th out of 50 in education while Bush was governor. No child left behind promotes pushing children forward even if they're not ready ("Social Promotion"), and the federal gov't has cut funding to Head Start programs. How can we as a nation, as a society, as a community condone such acts? How can we elect a Governor who would do these things, or re-elect a President who already has a record of doing so.

Take a good look in the mirror America, this is your fault.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Band Update: 2nd Show at The Stork

This past Friday was Red Shift's second show at the Stork Club. This night was a four band bill with us as the headliner and BRNR supporting. The first band was a pop band called Tiny Power that kind of sounded like a cross between The Cardigans & The B52's. Although they were not my cup of tea, I think they were a really good band with a lot of potential. It was their first show and I see a good future for them.

The second band (rant warning: 3...2...1...) FUCKING SUCKED!!! OK, I am not one to rip on people who are trying to do their thing; in fact, I can usually respect what their trying to do weather I like it or not. These guys however, were awful. I first met the singer of Girls With Guns when she pranced into the club and asked "Are there any big, strong men who want to help us unload?" Now, this would not have bothered me so much if the night didn't proceed to where it did. But in hindsight, if you can't unload your own equipment, you shouldn't be playing it. I have seen plenty of women who were capable rockers and who carried their own stuff (Acid King, Totimoshi, etc.). Anyway, I was fine with helping them (as I am a gentleman) and didn't think about it again for a while.

It was obvious from the beginning that the vocalist would become more annoying as she consumed more spirits. At one point she approached the guys in BRNR while in the back of the club tokin' up and offered her lungs graciously for a few hits from the pipe. Again, not that bad... That is until she went around the club asking people not to smoke during her set because "the drummer has allergies." Funny, he didn't seem to have allergies while she was smoking pot 10 feet from him during the Tiny Power set.

Around 10:30 it was time for Girls With Guns to take the stage. From the first song I knew I hated her singing voice as much as her speaking voice. The band was a kind of pop-punk blend of squeaky teenie-bopper pop-tarts and nails on a chalkboard. Song after song, she squeaked and squealed like a 12 year old singing a punk version of the theme to the Mickey Mouse club!
However, the worst was yet to come. About 5 songs into the set the guitarist broke a string. Now, this happened to me and my first show ever and I was up and running in 3 minutes (I know I have it on video), it took these girls almost 10. In this time, none of the members played any background music, no drums or bass line. However, they kept cuing the singer to keep talking to keep people interested. So for ten minutes this is what we were tortured with:

"Oh my gawd, when I'm drunk I say things and I don't even remember saying them. I do thing and, like people need to tell me about 'em the next day. I'm soo drunk... Wait, I'm not drunk, when I am drunk I ramble and you can't get me to shut up... (bass player: That's true, you'll know.)

So for ten minutes straight we were made to suffer through this shit and, if that wasn't enough, when they were finally ready to play, they massacred Breed from Nirvana. It was one of the worst travesties of music in my recent memory. Luckily, BRNR was there to bring the vibe back up.

BRNR came on the stage around 11:15 or so a from the get-go rocked everyone's fucking socks off. They play a few of my fav's like Reverse Cowgirl, Junk, & Stand My Ground to perfection. Thank god for getting these guys on the bill. They came to the show complete with demos ready to dispense, and riffs ready to commence! (OK, that was a bit cheesy, but true).

By the time it was our turn the clock had nearly struck 12:30. We went on late, but rocked the fucking house! We started the set the same as we did last week with Bastard Child, Power Drill, and *Skulls to thunderous applause. From there we went into Spacecase, The Wolf, and Sulfur Sail before beginning our big jams. This time, although the sound wasn't quite as good, we nailed Skulls and had a more energetic vibe. We go the best response of all the bands that night.

Next we tuned up to E for the instrumental Slayer, followed by The Chosen One. People went wild and, as I walked off the stage Boo & Christian decided that they had one more in them and began a song they wrote called One Night Stand which is a bass driven funky jam with heavy drums and rockin guitar. We ended the night on a high note with The Stork inviting us back again and many complements.

Thanks so much to everyone who came out and we look forward to rockin with you again soon.

See you on the road,

Minneapolis Mike (Vocals)
Monty Nelson (Lead Guitar)
Harlem "Boo" Watts (Bass)
Keith Manners (Rhythm Guitar)
Christian Rock (Percussion)

All Songs written by Red Shift except *Skulls Written by The Misfits

Friday, April 22, 2005

News of the Day

E-mails 'hurt IQ more than pot'
Friday, April 22, 2005
Posted: 8:08 AM EDT (1208 GMT)

LONDON, England -- Workers distracted by phone calls, e-mails and text messages suffer a greater loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana, a British study shows.

The constant interruptions reduce productivity and leave people feeling tired and lethargic, according to a survey carried out by TNS Research and commissioned by Hewlett Packard.

The survey of 1,100 Britons showed:

-Almost two out three people check their electronic messages out of office hours and when on holiday.

-Half of all workers respond to an e-mail within 60 minutes of receiving one

-One in five will break off from a business or social engagement to respond to a message.

-Nine out of 10 people thought colleagues who answered messages during face-to-face meetings were rude, while three out of 10 believed it was not only acceptable, but a sign of diligence and efficiency.

But the mental impact of trying to balance a steady inflow of messages with getting on with normal work took its toll, the UK's Press Association reported.

In 80 clinical trials, Dr. Glenn Wilson, a psychiatrist at King's College London University, monitored the IQ of workers throughout the day.

He found the IQ of those who tried to juggle messages and work fell by 10 points -- the equivalent to missing a whole night's sleep and more than double the 4-point fall seen after smoking marijuana.

"This is a very real and widespread phenomenon," Wilson said. "We have found that this obsession with looking at messages, if unchecked, will damage a worker's performance by reducing their mental sharpness.

"Companies should encourage a more balanced and appropriate way of working."
Wilson said the IQ drop was even more significant in the men who took part in the tests.

"The research suggests that we are in danger of being caught up in a 24-hour 'always on' society," said David Smith of Hewlett Packard.

"This is more worrying when you consider the potential impairment on performance and concentration for workers, and the consequent impact on businesses."

This CNN article came from here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Advice Dude: Issue #1

Dear Advice Guy,

My boyfriend thinks it is really funny when he burps and farts. How can I get him to stop?

Gassed Out

Well GO, you have a one of the most common complaints a woman can have about her boyfriend or husband. Flatulence is something that, as long as he is comfortable doing it around you, will probably never cease. That said I believe you have two options. Option one is to take away the comfort factor. This will be tricky because he probably enjoys making you slightly uncomfortable. I recommend public ridicule as you would do to a dog that urinates on a rug in a room full of people. Every opportunity you have to publicly scorn his “evacuation”, take it.

The second option could be a better approach as it can work two ways. It’s called the “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” method. It goes like this: at lunch time for the next two weeks or so have meals that consist of really gassy foods-- food that will really stink up the place (i.e.: Broccoli, beans, hard boiled eggs, cucumbers, or whatever else works for your bio-chemistry). As evening approaches, take great pride in your newfound odorous emanations. Take it to the next level—ever heard of a “Dutch oven?” Well that’s where you stick you lover’s head under the blanket and hold it there while releasing a wrath of poison gas. If it works, you can call a truce and agree to stop farting in front of each other. If it doesn’t work… well maybe you and your lover will have a newfound passion to share.

Dear Advice Guy,

I need to know the secret to getting chocolate chip cookies to come out of the oven and stay soft. I have tried all kinds of things like bake at a lower temp for longer and make sure the dough is room temp before baking but they still get hard after they have cooled down.


The secret to soft chocolate chip cookies is quite simple actually. A lot of chefs will tell you that they have great gourmet recipes using organic flour and really expensive chocolate chips. However, I am a fan of the classics. I believe certain things should never be made “ gourmet”, especially Pizza, Burritos, and chocolate chip cookies. The best recipe for this classic is still the recipe on the back of the Toll House Morsels bag. That said, here are two very important things to remember: Always use real butter (never margarine or Crisco) and always use real vanilla. In fact, doubling or tripling the amount of vanilla required in the recipe is usually a good idea. Furthermore, follow the recipe! The Toll House bag says, “Cream the butter and sugar” so do just that, add all the ingredients in order

Lastly, how you bake your cookies is very important. Buy an oven thermometer and make sure your oven is preheated to the right temperature (usually around 350). Also, keep a close eye on them and take them out of the oven while they are still undercooked; I recommend taking them out while the outer ring of the cookie is golden brown, but the center is still slightly doughy. The cookie will continue to cook to perfection on the baking sheet while cooling.
Dear Advice Guy,

I am an early forty-something guy, who very shortly will no longer be married. My intention was to get my life back together (emotionally, financially, metaphysically, etc.-ly) before even thinking about women. Well, low-and-behold up pops the devil -- and she's rather cute, and funny, etc. Thus, I have a dilemma. Do I do what I started out to do, or do I change the gameplan early in the first quarter?

Ok, It's Not That Bad of A Problem

Well INTBOAP, you’re right and you’re wrong -- A lot of men would kill for your dilemma. However, most of them would probably make the wrong choice. The truth is that if you’ve been married for any length of time you most likely are not yet comfortable with yourself. Being Mr. & Mrs. ______ changes your views, beliefs, and lifestyle based on the age-old concept of marital compromise. It’s going to take a while to rediscover the “you” underneath Mr._____. I believe it’s essential to stay away from any sort of emotional distraction right now and concentrate on relocating that part of your self.

That said, I also don’t think that a rebound fling is necessarily a bad thing. The core matter seems to lye in emotional attachment. So if this is going to turn into a dating scenario I recommend staying away. But if it could be a short 3 or 4 time fling, go for it.

Dear Advice Guy,My mom keeps giving me a guilt trip about not being married and nothaving grandkids. All her friends have grandkids so I think she isfeeling peer pressure. How can I get her to lay off?

It has recently come to my attention that a woman’s maternal clock seems to have one of those dual alarm settings; one that begins to sound in the mid-to-late twenties and the other when their child reaches that age range. I too am a victim of such guilt trips and my only advice would be to tell you what I do. When the subject comes up I politely tell my mother that there are already enough unwanted children in the world and I would prefer not to be pressured into contributing to that. Then I assure my mother by telling her that when the time is right (probably a condom accident) I will have one. I end the conversation by telling her that she needs to back off with the guilt. Although my mother still brings it up from time-to-time, she has greatly reduced the guilt and consistency.
If you have any questions for "The Advice Guy"
please email me at

420 Explained

Conventional wisdom:
The most common tale is that 420 is the police radio code or criminal code (and therefore the police "call") in certain part(s) of California (e.g. in Los Angeles or San Francisco) for having spotted someone consuming cannabis publicly, i.e. "pot smoking in progress"; that local cannabis users picked up on the code and began celebrating the number temporally (esp. 4:20 a.m., 4:20 p.m., and April 20); that the number became nationally popularized in the late 1980s and, more ferverently, in the early- to mid-1990s; and is colloquially applied to a variety of relaxed and/or inspired contexts, including not only pot consumption but also a "good time" more generally (in contrast to the drug war surrounding).

Conventions are legends:
420 is not police radio code for anything, anywhere. Checks of criminal codes (including those of the City of San Francisco, the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, the State of California, and the federal penal code) suggest that the origin is neither Californian nor federal (the two best guesses). For instance, California Penal Code 420 defines as a misdemeanor the hindrance of use ("obstructing entry") of public lands, and California Family Code 420 defines what constitutes a wedding ceremony (Marco). One state does come close: "The Illinois Department of Revenue classifies the Alcoholic Liquor Act under Part 420, and the Cannabis and Controlled Substances Tax Act are next, under Part 428." (RB 5/19/99)

True story?:
"According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos. The term 420 was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. ``Waldo Steve,' a member of the group who now owns a business in San Francisco, says the Waldos would salute each other in the school hallway and say ``420 Louis!' The term was one of many invented by the group, but it was the one that caught on.

``It was just a joke, but it came to mean all kinds of things, like `Do you have any?' or `Do I look stoned?' ' he said. ``Parents and teachers wouldn't know what we were talking about.' The term took root, and flourished, and spread beyond San Rafael with the assistance of the Grateful Dead and their dedicated cohort of pot-smoking fans.

The Waldos decided to assert their claim to the history of the term after decades of watching it spread, mutate and be appropriated by commercial interests. The Waldos contacted Hager, and presented him with evidence of 420's history, primarily a collection of postmarked letters from the early '70s with lots of mention of 420. They also started a Web site,

``We have proof, we were the first,' Waldo Steve said. ``I mean, it's not like we wrote a book or invented anything. We just came up with a phrase. But it's kind of an honor that this emanated from San Rafael.'" Maria Alicia Gaura for the San Francisco Chronicle, 4/20/00 p. A19; and thanks to Noah Cole for the submission.

Alternate explanations
There are a variety of other explanations, all much more interesting than "police code", and many plausible. Some are more likely uses of the 420/hemp connection rather than sources of it, such as the score for the football game in Fast Times at Ridgement High, 42-0.

Known Myths:
It isn't police code (see above). There are 315 chemicals in marijuana, not 420. And although tea time in Amsterdam is rumored to be 4:20, it is actually 5:30 (Gerhard den Hollander). Sixties Songs: For instance, Bob Dylan's famous "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35" is a possible reference, or source -- 12x35=420. And Stephen Stills wrote (and Crosby Stills Nash & Young performed) a song "4+20" (first recorded 7/16/69, released on Deja Vu 3/11/70) about an 84-year-old poverty-stricken man who started and finished with nothing. (Thanks to Sherry Keel 12/6/98.) Dylan aslo mentions "4 and 20 windows" in "The Balland of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest" (on John Wesley Harding).

Older Verse:
But 420 in poetry is older than that - Greg Keller notes the old nursery rhyme line, "four and twenty black birds baked in a pie". Revelation 5:14 (in the King James Version of the Christian Bible) reads, "And the four beasts said 'A-Men.' And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever." (Travis Spurley 2/15/99) And in Midnight's_Children, Salman Rushdie wrote, "Inevitably, a number of these children failed to survive. Malnutrition, disease and the misfortunes of everyday life had accounted for no less than four hundred and twenty of them by the time I became conscious of their existence; although it is possible to hypothesize that these deaths, too, had their purpose, since 420 has been, since time immemorial, the number associated with fraud, deception and trickery." (Comet 2/14/98) Comet's "best guess is that this refers to something in Indian mythology or numerology, since the book is set in India and frequently involves Indian history, culture, and religion. Given the high interest in Eastern religion among the phish/dead community, this seems a likely origin of 420's current significance."

Temporal Significance:
"Hands on analog clock at 4:20 look like position of doobie dangling from mouth" "Larry in Tuscan" and Alex Mack 5/19/99). Disruptive students are out of detention and safetly away from school by 4:20, also rumored to be "the time that you should dose to be peaking when the Dead went on stage" Hart. "The Waldos" were a group of teens back in the 70's that lived in San Rafael, CA. 420 was the way they talked about pot in front of teachers, non-smoking family members etc. Also it was the time of day they could just go relax, and get baked." ("PhunkCellar") Jamaicans purportedly "worked till 4 then walked home then lit up. They would talk 420 like our parents talked about after 5. That's when partying began" "Larry in Tuscan"). Albert (not Abbie) Hofmann supposedly first encountered LSD at 4:20 p.m. on 4/19/1943 (Bart Coleman citing Storming Heaven by Jay Stevens, recommended by Mickey Hart in Planet Drum). Surrealist painter Miro was born April 20, 1893. And says the propoganda film Reefer Madness has a copyright date of April 20, 1936 (i.e. 4/20). (Patrick Woolford)

Could be that it comes from hydroponics, the practice of cultivating plants in water often used by indoor marijuana cultivators, since 4 is used for H on a calculator (420/H20). (Nick Lowe 3/30/00) The number 80 (eight) is "quatre vingt" (pronounced "cah-truh vahn"), meaning "four (times} twenty". Dan Nijjar 1/27/00 (No connection yet between the number 80 and pot. A quarter pound is roughly 120 grams, rounding quarter-ounces to 7.5.) The titanic was supposed to arrive 4/20/1912. (Thanks to RB.) Perhaps the heavy use of vt420 terminals in the Berkeley area is to blame? (BTW, 420 in binary code is 110100100.)

Now there's a 420 Pale Ale.

One of the late-97/early-98 "Got Milk" ads featured a character eating cookies without milk and then passing a sign that reads "Next Rest Area 420 miles" (as Ross Bruning).

Reportedly, all of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.

Shirts with the number 420 on the red-and-blue interstate highway shield (Interstate 420?) have show up on the sitcom Will and Grace (Paul Risenhoover 5/14/99) and in several videos.

UPS' labelling software has a "420 postal code" legend for next-day/2-day deliveries (which is how Phish tickets are sent).

(Jack Lebowitz 10/3/98) MTV's 1997 Viewer's Choice Award (for the MTV Video Awards) was decided by calls to 1-800-420-4MTV.

By May of 1998, the number was appearing in so many ads (eg Copenhagen 5/14/98 Rolling Stone p54, Corvette p55 5/98 Car & Driver) that its presence is presumed to be intentional.

Many songs are around 4 minutes 20 seconds long (since many songs fall between 2:30 and 5:30), including for example Pink Floyd's "A Great Day for Freedom" (on The Division Bell, 1994), the Foo Fighters' "My Hero", and "Smokin'" from Boston's first album.

"There have also been some 420 references on The Simpsons. In the re-run episode aired on April 20th, 1999 at a special time (probably in honor of those college students staying in the holiday spirit ;-), Homer mentions to Flanders that Barney's birthday is April 20th. Also, the jackpot sign in one part of the casino says $420,000. There are a couple less concrete ones, but these two have to be legit, especially since they decided to air THAT particular episode on 4/20/99."

the 60 free minutes that Working Assets Long Distance offers, at the 7 cents per minute rate, is $4.20 free.

There's even a band named 420, and another names .

In the first fifteen pages of Karel Capek's novel War with the Newts, a man diving under wonder stayed down for four minutes and twenty seconds.

At the suggested retail price ($3.96) and Michigan (6%) sales tax, a deck of Uno cards costs $4.20.

Nic Boris 4:20 marks the first downbeat of the drums in Led Zeppelin's epic "Stairway to Heaven." (Dan Harris)

The bill authorizing force after the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11/01 passed 420 to 1, and news reports in following months noted many times that there are (or were then, anyway) 420 airports in the U.S.

Allan Morris And don't forget that Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, macabely "celebrated" (or at least referenced) via the Columbine High School shootings.

This posting came from craigslist

Happy 4/20


The Onion article.

Papal Election Brings End to Worldwide Unsupervised-Catholic Sin Binge.

VATICAN CITY—In the interim between Pope John Paul II's death and the election of his replacement, unsupervised Catholics seized the opportunity to sin without fear of reprisal, sources confirmed Tuesday.

. "For two weeks, it was like Mardi Gras all over again," said Bryan Cousivert, a Catholic from Arizona. "People were drinking, cursing, and engaging in premarital or even extramarital sex. More importantly, everyone was being totally open about it. No one was worried about doing any penance at all!"

Continued Cousivert: "When the cat's away, the mice will play."
Paulo Verrazetti, a resident of Rome, said he and other Italians respectfully refrained from reveling until after Pope John Paul II's funeral.

"We all mourned John Paul II's death," said Verrazetti, who was at St. Peter's Square for the former pope's funeral. "But when Vatican officials said that final 'Amen,' you could feel something change in the air. Someone screamed 'festa!' and pretty soon Catholic women were going wild, running topless in the streets. Last month, seeing a woman with no clothes on would have sent me straight to the confessional. But without a pope around, well... Let's put it this way. For a couple weeks, Catholics the world over adopted the motto, 'If it feels good, do it.'"

Even those who only watched Pope John Paul II's funeral on television reported experiencing "feelings of newfound freedom."

"As they recited the Apostles' Creed, I remember thinking of all the things I want to do, but don't because of my devotion to the Church," said Antonio Valez, a Catholic from Mexico City. "As soon as I heard the pope was laid to rest, I said a prayer for the Holy Father's departed soul and went straight out and bought a box of condoms. Actually, I'm wearing one right now. It's been on all day and I'm loving it."

Carl Whitestone, an 82-year-old lifelong Catholic from Beaver Dam, WI said he experienced a similar sense of freedom.

"When I heard the pope was dead, the first thing I thought about, besides how much the great man will be missed, was the big bloody steak I was going to eat on Friday," said Whitestone. "When the pope was alive, I never would've thought of flouting the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code Of Canon Law. But once he was out of the picture, I immediately bore false witness against my neighbor. And then I coveted his wife."

Many Catholics said they started out cautiously, limiting their misconduct to non-mortal sins: taking the Lord's name in vain, failing to contemplate the mysteries of the rosary, or sleeping in on Sunday morning instead of going to Mass. But when they saw no immediate consequences for their behavior, their sins became progressively more severe.

While church officials were reluctant to comment on how many recent murders might be attributable to the papal lapse, several cardinals said they were relieved when the papal conclave commenced.

"It was really getting out of control," said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "The pope is the gatekeeper between piety and anarchy. Without a papal presence, Catholics were thinking impure thoughts, manipulating their own genitals, and acting as if homosexuality was no big deal. Thank goodness we gathered to choose the new pope, or God's Kingdom on Earth might look like Sodom and Gomorrah by now."
Papal scholars said the recent bacchanalia was the worst in more than a quarter of a century.

"I haven't seen anything like this since Pope Paul VI died in 1978," said Fr. Robert Mendiga, a Jesuit priest at St. Andrew's School of Divinity in North Carolina. "This was the '70s, the era of pre-AIDS sexual experimentation and widespread recreational-drug use. Catholics, especially Americans, were quite willing to be led into temptation. It stopped when John Paul I was chosen, but when he died one month later, Catholics went right back to sinning."

"Yup," the priest added, gazing into the distance. "1978 was a very special year."

This article came from here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Great Days in World History!

Today is April 19th 2005, a day that, combined with tomorrow (4/20), equates to a hell of a two day period in history. Allow me to elaborate:

Today is the 10-year anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Today is the 12-year anniversary of the Siege of the Branch Dividians in Waco Texas.

Today is the 93rd anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

On this day in 1775 The American Revolutionary War began (The Shot Heard Round the World)with the battles of Lexington and Concord.

On this day in 1882 Charles Darwin the developer of the Theory of Evolution died.

On this day in 1989 a white female jogger in New York's Central Park (the infamous Central Park Jogger case) was brutally beaten and raped. Five black and Hispanic teenagers were convicted and sent to prison. But the convictions were overturned in 2003 after a serial rapist confessed and DNA evidence tied him to the crime.

Tomorrow is the 116 anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s Birthday

Tomorrow is the 6-year anniversary of the shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. Two teens killed 12 students and one teacher before taking their own lives.

And today we elect a new Pope. A good sign or an omen? You decide.

Are you fucking serious?

I wouldn't trust this guy! He looks like the poster child for the "master race."

Hail the Oppressor.

personally, I was rooting for Carrot Top!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Pic of the Day.


Band Update: Red Shift Asked to Headline!!!

Well, it's been an exciting last few days. After our successful debut last Wednesday, The Stork club has asked us to return -- this time on a Friday night -- to headline a hard rock show. Initially it seemed that we would have total control over the show (i.e.: Bands playing, time slots, cost, etc), However, this is no longer so. We found it was awfully difficult to find 3 other bands willing to play on such short notice; some had other gigs and some were just busy. The good news is that it seems like we might have gotten BRNR to support us (play 3rd just before we go on) which I am really excited about.

Anyway, that's all for now. As I know more I will pass it on.

Keep on rockin'

Friday, April 15, 2005

Website of the day

This one is really funny. Just log on and type in a search like
regular Google. Great spoof

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Band Update: The Perfect Debut

Last night was the feature debut of Red Shift. The night did not, however, begin without its' troubles. We all arrived at The Stork Club on time (a rarity for musicians) only to find out that we had been bumped to a later time slot. Normally this would not be that big of a deal except for the fact that it was a Wednesday night and people had to get up early this morning. Originally it was just us and Evil Beaver (from Chicago), but over the last week an opener named Sinister Kane was added. Upon arrival at the club we were told that another band, Pigs & Dogs, had been added.

Sinister Kane were scheduled to go on at 9:30 but technical difficulties and bitch-fitting lead singers led to this 2 piece taking an hour to be "ready" to play. They began setting up at 9:20 and began playing at around 10:15; then bitched about how their sound sucked. It did, however it wasn't the sound guys fault that they sucked... They just sucked. The saving grace however was that the bartender cut them off after 3 songs telling them "hey, other bands wanna play tonight."

Next was Sinister Kane, a 4 piece with no vocals and a wall of sound. The set up with the drummer on the far left and guitar-bass-guitar full stacks all right next to each other. These guys have only been together for six months and showed a lot of promise. I think they will be great, but there repetition was a little much. I'd go see them again though in a few months.

Finally at around 11, we began to set up which took us about 15 minutes followed by some sound problems; but by 11:30 we were ready to start. We opened with Bastard Child followed by Power Drill to thunderous applause and screams. Honestly, I have never felt anything like that. This is my third band and I have never received the welcoming that last night's crowd offered; I felt like a rock star. Next came our cover The Misfits' Skulls which gave us some problems because the tempo was to fast for me to keep up with. But after that, it was all gravy. We went on to play Spacecase, Wolf, and Sulfur Sail before going into the istrumental Slayer. Each song was progressively tighter, more energetic, and received more acclaim. Coming out of Slayer we followed the baseline right into The Chosen One to close the show. When I opened my eyes during the last song I was greeted with screaming fans and a pit forming right in front of me. It was unreal.

When we finished our last song, everyone rushed the stage screaming "You guys fucking rock." Honestly, I got a bit sentimental and almost lost it. I don't think anyone who hasn't done this could ever realize what that kind of compliment means. I put myself up there to do something I love and try to make it work; all the while not knowing if I look like a fool or if it's total crap. It's almost like that dream where you show up to school naked. But to have my friends--the people who's opinions matter most to me--come up with a look that could not be faked, a look of surprise and impression... It's the biggest complement I could ever get.

When it comes to opinions, one person could never and would never lie to me (or as he puts it: "fluff me"), that person is Josh. When he came up to me and told me that he thought we were awesome and that we "far surpassed his expectations", it was maybe the biggest confidence boost I have ever gotten. Trust me, if we were only OK or even shitty, he would have no problem letting us know; and I respect him for that.

So in closing, thanks to everyone who came to see us. We will be in the studio over the next couple of months to record our first CD tentatively titled Bastard Child of the Prodigal Son. We have also been offered a few shows in May and June and I'll let you know as soon as they are finalized.

Thanks again,
& Keep on Rockin'.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Website of the Day

AIDS Marathon Donations

Hey Guys,

A couple of really close friends of mine (Jackie Minor & Christina Ballard) will be running a marathon to benefit AIDS patients in the Bay Area. Please check out the link below and donate something if you can. You can drop as little as $5, or up to whatever you'd like. Please know that any little amount helps. Our Friend Tosha worded it better than I in an email she sent me early this morning; here it is:

I just wanted to send out a little reminder to encourage you all to show some support for our dear friends Christina and Jackie. They are running a half marathon with AIDS Marathon Training Program this summer. Some of you may remember that I ran my first full marathon with the same training program a couple of years ago and it was one of both the most difficult and the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. What kept me going at mile 20 of the race was the thought that so many of my friends had believed in me as well as cared about the cause. Some friends donated as little as $5 and in the end I had raised more than $3400 for HIV/AIDS services for the uninsured.

I also had 2 friends who took the subway throughout the city to cheer me on at different points along the race. So, if you're not doing anything that weekend, the enthusiasm at a race is contagious and I encourage you to pick a spot along the course to cheer them on.

Below is info on how to donate for Jackie. Just remember that even the smallest gesture can make a big difference to someone you care about. I made a small donation and Jackie's already told me she loves me twice! Peace. -Tosha
There are two ways to get to my page online:
1. Go to
2. Click on 'Sponsor a Runner'
3. Search for my page with my name (Jacqueline Minor) or runner #0041.
- OR-
Follow the link below:

Thursday, April 07, 2005

A Sad Day in Music.

This morning I found out that Fitty-Cent--Eminem's famed protege--has four, count them: one-two-three-four songs in the top ten. The only other artist to ever do this are The Beatles. SO this means when we look up great accomplishments in music we'll see the Beatles (who revolutionized popular music, the spirit of a generation, and overall music production) and 50-cent who sings about hoes and bitches... I fucking hate the music industry.

This brings me to another point. We all remember the debacle last year involving Poptart little sister Ashlee Simpson. This was a girl who not once but twice was caught lip-sync-ing on national television (SNL & Good Morning America) followed by being boo-ed off the stage by 40,000 people at the Rose Bowl for singing overwhelmingly bad. This girl proved that a record company can make anyone famous that they want. After all of this, Simpson when on to win MTV's New Artist of the Year award! This is what this says to me:

OK, so we put all of this money in Ashlee Simpson. We gave her her own TV show, We pumped millions into her new record, we put her face everywhere, we can't admit failure of an "artist" that we created. So we'll pretend that she is a lot better than people think! We'll put her on a huge tour right after we give her a huge award for being better than she appears. That'll fool all those naive 12 year old Ashlee Simpson fans!

Don't people realize how conglomerates like Clear Channel and Infinity Broadcasting are homogonizing the music industry? We have an industry that wont play revolutionary tracks by amazing artists like Beck & Ween, but will play Ashlee, Jessica, Brittney, and Mandy all fucking day long. I am so sick of turning on the radio and only hearing two things:

1> Stupid fucking pop-tart love songs with the same fucking beat and the same fucking words put together in a different order.

2> Songs about bitches and ho's.

I implore America: Fucking Wake up!!! Don't fall for what these conglomerates are trying to do to you. These mainstream radio stations and record companies are doing nothing but making music and the music industry bland, boring, and predictable. But hey, if you like hearing the same fucking thing over-and-over for the next century... just keep on listening.


A side note.

It recently came to my attention that certain record companies are using modern technology to analyze the composition of a song. Here is how it works: The companies take a song that was a number one hit for a few weeks. They add it to a database of past number one hits. Then, a computer program analyzes the similarities between these songs (ie: beats per minute, key, tempo, chord progression, pitch, etc). In the end, a company is trying to recreate the success of previous hits. Doesn't this defeat the creative integrity of music. One more time: I fucking hate this industry. This is why I am going into it, I believe (at least on a small scale) I can change this idea.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Movie Review: Fever Pitch

When I first saw a poster for this movie I was slightly interested; any movie that has Drew Barrymore always catches my interest. However, as the trailers began showing on TV I steadily lost interest decided to wait for it to come out on video. The TV spots looked so bland and cliche and overdone.

On Wednesday of last week I received an email from my editor at the Observer (as I do almost every week) with a listing of the upcoming press screenings. Noted on the Fever Pitch information was the fact that it was directed by the Farrelly brothers. Being a big fan of Something About Mary, Me, Myself, & Irene, and Kingpin, my interest was suddenly somewhat renewed and (with still low expectations) I took the tickets.

Here is the review that I wrote for the Observer:

Fever Pitch
Mike Billings

Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon team up with Directors Bobby & Peter Farrelly in this Americanized version of Nick Hornsby's autobiographical book Fever Pitch. Lindsey Meeks (Barrymore) finds herself falling for sweet schoolteacher Ben Wrightman (Fallon) during the winter months. However, as the summer roles around, Meeks is confronted with Wrightman's passion (actually obsession): The Boston Red Sox. Whoever designed this movie's trailer needs some guidance! The previews make it look like just another drab romantic comedy with nothing to offer. Untrue. Although the move does drag for brief moments and it's probably the 20th romantic comedy that Barrymore's done, it doesn't seem stale. In fact, it's very sweet with moments of brilliant comedy and well-timed gags.

Really, I wanted to write more but it's tough squeezing so much into a small movie blurb. The truth is that this movie was a lot better that I thought it could be. Drew Barrymore is as cute and sweet as a puppy licking honey off of a new born kitten and Jimmy Fallon... Well he's kind stinks like a turd covered in burnt hair! OK, I'm actually kidding. I was surprised at Fallon's ability to not overplay his character (like fellow SNL'ers Adam Sandler & Will Farrell). Instead, he plays the average Joe to a Tee.

Although still a romantic comedy, this movie has something for everyone: a pretty girl, a sweet guy, Baseball, Crude humor (thanks to the Farrelly's), and a story that you can really root for.

In initiation of my new rating scale I give this movie
three ampersands and an asterisk:

& & & *

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Odd News: I wish it was April Fools Day!

This came from the Blog of Jeremy Bates:

First Cousins Get Married in Maryland -
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
(03-29) 19:31 PST Altoona, Pa. (AP) --

First cousins who were denied a marriage license by a Pennsylvania judge earlier this month were wed in a civil ceremony in Maryland, the couple said Monday.

Tonight Show host Jay Leno and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh both commented about the story after Blair County Judge Jolene Kopriva refused to marry Eleanor Amrhein, 46, and Donald W. Andrews Sr., 39, of Logan Township.

The couple petitioned the judge March 14, three days after a court clerk refused to marry them after learning they were first cousins. The couple's mothers are sisters. But they hoped the judge would grant an exception to the Pennsylvania law, which was meant to prevent birth defects and other problems caused by marriage of close relatives, by telling the judge they didn't plan to have children.

"Everybody thought I should be ashamed of it," Amrhein said. "I am not."
Amrhein has no children; Andrews has three to other women.

Andrews grew up in the South, but became close to Amrhein when he visited Pennsylvania for family gatherings when they were children.

"I started coming up here hanging out with mom's side of the family," Andrews told The Mirror of Altoona for Tuesday's editions. "I didn't seek her out. She didn't seek me out. But all along, there was something that clicked."

Seven years ago, the cousins met up again and they've been together for several years now.
"You can't control who you fall in love with," Andrews said.

About half of the states allow first cousins to marry, according to, a research site on state laws.

Movie Review: Be Cool

For those of you who have seen Get Shorty you have an idea of what to expect from John Travolta's character Chili Palmer; For those of you who haven't: never fear. One of the reasons that I like follow-ups so much more than sequels is that you don't need to see the original in order to enjoy the newest installment. A good example of such an occasion is the follow-up to Swingers called Made (Which I also recommend).

The latest installment in the trials and tribulations of ex-Shylock Chili Palmer find him fed up with the movie industry and setting his sights on the rough-and-tumble world of the music industry. Luckily, Palmer has a friend (Uma Thurman) who just so happens to own a record label and is in some need of assistance. As it's been said before, the similarities of these characters to those of their Pulp Fiction counterparts are apparent although not overpowering.

Vince Vaughn, James Woods, and Harvey Keitel are great as a pair of rival record executives and Cedric the Entertainer works well as a suburbanite who is desperately trying to maintain some form of "street cred". The main reason I held back in seeing this movie for so long is because I CAN"T STAND The Rock. However, after this role I've found a new respect for him and his comedic abilities. He plays a role that seems to prove that he doesn't take himself too seriously--a main reason why I previously hated him.

There is so much more that I want to write but I don't want to ruin anything. All I will say is that I really enjoyed this movie and I recommend it.

Next review:

Fever Pitch - A ferrelly Bros movie (Kingpin, Something About Mary, Me Myself and Irene) with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Pope-Watch 2005 (Pt. 2)

Here is some info on the Pope's views toward women:
please read the Mulieris Dignitatem link

Pope Calls for Recognition of Woman's Role in Society
Sees It as a Condition to Foster Peace

SEPT. 14, 2004 (

John Paul II appealed for recognition of woman's role in society as a condition to foster peace and respect for life. The Pope expressed his appeal today in a message sent to the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Love, on the third centenary of their foundation.

"In light of the great cultural and social changes that have taken place in the modern age," the Holy Father said, the religious of this congregation are called "to help women in difficulty to rediscover their dignity according to God's plan and their vocation to love."

"To recognize the role that corresponds to woman in society contributes to protect the values of the family, life and peace," he said.

In particular, the Pope asked the religious to promote the application of his 1988 apostolic letter "Mulieris Dignitatem," on the dignity and vocation of woman.

In that document, John Paul II expressed the Church's gratitude "for all the manifestations of feminine genius which have appeared throughout history," and asked that it be recognized by the Church and the world.

As the Pope explained in his message, the religious exercise their apostolate through "liturgical animation, catechesis, formation of youth oratories, professional schools and laboratories, assistance in family-homes for single women with children, and centers ... for weak and marginalized persons."

The religious, who number just over 120 and have 16 houses, were founded Sept. 13, 1705, by Italian Cardinal Marco Antonio Barbarigo, bishop of Montefiascone and Corneto.

Pope-Watch 2005

OK, so I'm sure that yesterday's last post is going to piss a lot of people off so I figured I might as well explain my rationale. You see, I don't have any problem with the Pope as a person; I'm sure he is doing what he "thinks" is best. My point was that the Papacy represents thousands of years of oppression. The Catholic church is responsible for so much hatred and violence in the world. Things like The Inquisition, granting sanctuary to Nazis after WWII, Holding back women's rights both in society and reproductive, holding back the rights of gays & lesbians, looking the other way while hundreds of Priests are accused of child molestation, the list goes on and on. Because of the Vatican, Catholics around the world mourn their own religion in a constant state of sorrow and sadness. The church does nothing but instill fear into the masses in order to control them. JP2 released a doctrine just 6 months ago outlining a woman's role in society. In it the Pope says that it's OK for women to work until they get married; then they must stop working and have babies and take care of their husband and family. Shit, I didn't know it was 19-fucking-51 again! And here we have all these women who want a career and shit; Fuck 'em! Get in the house, take off those shoes, cook my fucking dinner, and when you're done drop to your knees and beg me to allow you to give me a blow-job!

Gotta love the boys-club mentality of the Vatican, the Pope, and Catholicism in general!

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